Thursday, June 11, 2009

Eguren - Tempranillo

Price: $9.99
Region: Spain
Year: 2007

OK, another trip to the store where I decided upfront to go back to a specific country. For some reason, I just gravitated towards a wine from Spain this week. It didn't have anything to do with what was on the menu, because we were planning bar-b-q pork chops, but more just that I hadn't had a Spanish wine in a while and decided it there was no time like the present. I really haven't only tried a couple different wines, and mostly have stuck with the Rioja grape, but I saw this bottle of Tempranillo, so I snatched it up.

I'm not overly familiar with the grape, so I didn't have any preconceived notions. I was getting ready to throw dinner on the grill, so I headed out to the deck with a glass of wine. A first I thought the wine was a bit pale, but it has a nice light "redish" color with good clarity. When I took a smell, it was also a bit faint, but was a little bit different then what I am used to. So, at this point, I definitely wasn't anticipating a big bold wine taste, and true to form that isn't what I got either. The tate was unique when compared with the normal varieties I usually stick to, but not in a bad way. It was a little short in length as the taste didn't hang around long, but it was a nice change of pace. Maybe in the end, it was a good pairing for pork, because that is something we choose when we're tired of the same old meats on the grill during the summer. So, all in all, a decent tasting wine, and would try it again if I was wanted to get out of a rut of having the same old thing each week..

Rating: 2.75 Corks (if you want to try something a bit different)

1 comment:

David said...

Just an FYI, there is no Rioja grape. It's a region, and if you are familiar with its wines, then you are familiar with Tempranillo, as that is the primary red wind grape of Rioja.